Quotes taken from 'A Semantic Web Primer' (2004), by Grigoris Antoniou and Frank van Harmelen
(page 199, AI and Web Services)
Web services are an application area where Artificial Intelligence techniques can be used effectively, for instance, for matching between service offers and service requests, and for composing complex services from simpler services, where automated planning can be utilized.
(page 223, How it all fits together)
... we consider an automated bargaining scenario to see how all technologies discussed fit together.
- Each bargaining party is represented by a software agent...
- The agents need to agree on the meaning of certain terms by committing to a shared ontology, e.g., written in OWL.
- Case facts, offers, and decisions can be represented using RDF statements. These statements become really useful when linked to an ontology.
- Information is exchanged between the agents in some XML-based (or RDF-based) language.
- The agent negotiation strategies are described in a logical language.
- An agent decides about the next course of action through inferring conclusions from the negotiation strategy, case facts, and previous offers and counteroffers.
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