Sunday, 15 April 2007

18, A Semantic Web Primer

Summary of ‘A Semantic Web Primer’ by Grigoris Antoniou and Frank van Harmelen (2004)

1, The Semantic Web Vision

- The Semantic is an initiative that aims at improving the current state of the World Wide Web.
- The key idea is the use of machine-processable Web information.
- Key technologies include explicit metadata, ontologies, logic and inferencing, and intelligent agents.
- The development of the Semantic Web proceeds in layers.

2, Structured Web Documents in XML

- XML is a metalanguage that allows users to define markup for their documents using tags.
- Nesting of tags introduces structure. The structure of documents can be enforced schemas or DTDs.
- XML separates content and structure from formatting.
- XML is the de facto standard for the representation of structured information on the Web and supports machine processing of information.
- XML supports the exchange of structured information across different applications through markup, structure, and transformations.
- XML is supported by query languages.

Some points discussed in subsequent chapters include:
- The nesting of tags does not have standard meaning.
- The semantics of XML documents is not accessible to machines, only to people.
- Collaboration and exchange are supported if there is an underlying shared understanding of the vocabulary. XML is well-suited for close collaboration, where domain- or community-based vocabularies are used. It is not so well suited for global communication.

3, Describing Web Resources in RDF

- RDF provides a foundation for representing and processing metadata.
- RDF has a graph-based data model. Its key concepts are resource, property, and statement. A statement is a resource-property-value triple.
- RDF has an XML-based syntax to support syntactic interoperability. XML and RDF complement each other because RDF supports semantic interoperability.
- RDF has a decentralised philosophy and allows incremental building of knowledge, and its sharing and reuse.
- RDF is domain-independent. RDF Schema provides a mechanism for describing specific domains.
- RDF Schema is a primitive ontology language. It offers certain modelling primitives with fixed meaning. Key concepts of RDF Schema are class, subclass relations, property, subproperty relations, and domain and range restrictions.
- There exist query languages for RDF and RDFS.

Some points that will be discussed in the next chapter:
- RDF Schema is quite primitive as a modelling language for the Web. Many desirable modelling primitives are missing.
- Therefore we need an ontology layer on top of RDF/RDFS.

4, Web Ontology Language: OWL

- OWL is the proposed standard for Web ontologies. It allows us to describe the semantics of knowledge in a machine-accessible way.
- OWL builds upon RDF and RDF Schema: (XML-based) RDF syntax is used; instances are defined using RDF descriptions; and most RDFS modelling primitives are used.
- Formal semantics and reasoning support is provided through the mapping of OWL on logics. Predicate logic and description logics have been used for this purpose.

While OWL is sufficiently rich to be used in practice, extensions are in the making. They will provide further logical features, including rules.

5, Logic and Inference: Rules

- Horn logic is a subset of predicate logic that allows efficient reasoning. It forms a subset orthogonal to description logics.
- Horn logic is the basis of monotonic rules.
- Non-monotonic rules are useful in situations where the available information is incomplete. They are rules that may be overridden by contrary evidence (other rules).
- Priorities are used to resolve some conflicts between non-monotonic rules.
- The representation of rules in XML-like languages is straightforward.

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