If you're logging into Facebook via the Parse Android SDK and are building your application package (apk) with ProGuard enabled, here's what you'll need to add to your proguard-project.txt file:
# need this for Facebook SDK
-keepattributes Signature
-dontwarn com.facebook.**
-dontwarn com.parse.**
-keep class com.facebook.** { *; }
-keep class com.parse.** { *; }
Thanks so much!! I spent all day yesterday trying to figure this out with the new Facebook API and finally found this solution this morning and it worked! :)
Thanks so much!! I spent all day yesterday trying to figure this out with the new Facebook API and finally found this solution this morning and it worked! :)
I have the same problem but cant figure out how to fix it
I have the same problem but cant figure out how to fix it
Can any help me im dumb when it comes to this stuff
What if you don't use proguard?
If you don't use proguard, then you don't need to add anything to your 'proguard-project.txt' file and it's irrelevant for your purposes.
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