Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Windows 8 - how to stop Thumbs.db files being created

I've just recently upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 8 and I've started seeing Thumbs.db files appear in my folders which contain images. This has adverse effects as you can imagine when running scripts etc that expect only images. So, it's important my operating system not add files in my folders without my say-so!

The only way I've found so far of stopping the operating system adding this Thumbs.db file in my folders is as follows:
  • open a File Explorer window,
  • select the View tab from within the File Explorer window,
  • open the Folder Options window by clicking the Options button from within the View tab,
  • select the View tab from within the Folder Options window,
  • lastly, tick the Always show icons, never thumbnails option in the Advanced settings section of the View tab.
That's it. Hopefully no more Thumbs.db files will be created in your folders as long as this option is ticked. Bear in mind however that you might have to delete any existing Thumbs.db files.

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