Wednesday, 16 September 2009

60, Dialogue games that agents play within a society

Went through this journal paper ('Dialogue games that agents play within a society', 2009, Nishan C. Karunatillake et al) and the accompanying technical report ('Formal Semantics of ABN Framework', 2008, Nishan C. Karunatillake et al) following going through the main author's thesis. Questions similar to the thesis (see 59). In addition, this is what I plan on including in my forthcoming (argumentation-based negotiation social optimality) paper...

"... The argument-based negotiation framework of [60] is supplemented with a number of concrete negotiation strategies which allow agents to exchange arguments as part of the negotiation process. The example scenario/context considered allows for multiple (more than two) agents. However, contrary to our approach, the semantics of arguments is not considered. Instead, the focus is on using argumentation as a metaphor for characterising communication among agents. Also, deals involving more than two agents are not possible, as is required in our resource allocation setting in order to reach optimal allocations. ..."

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