Tuesday, 17 July 2012

How to Bulk-Crop whitespace from images

Found a good tool today - XnView by Pierre e Gougelet - for bulk-, auto- cropping of whitespace from a set of images. To do this with XnView is as simple as the following steps:

  • Select the files to be cropped;
  • Go to Tools > Batch Processing;
  • On the first tab of the Batch Processing window (the General tab) set the destination directory (if you don't want to have your files overwritten) and the output format.
  • On the second tab (the Transformations tab) select the Auto Crop feature from the list of available Transformations and click Add to add it to the list of the active transformations. On the Parameters panel at the bottom, choose your desired background colour.
  • Press the Go button and check your destination folder see that everything went okay.
Steps above adapted from John Thomas' answer found in the following thread:

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