Tuesday, 30 December 2008

47, Time-Quality Tradeoffs in Reallocative Negotiation with Combinatorial Contract Types

Just read 'Time-Quality Tradeoffs in Reallocative Negotiation with Combinatorial Contract Types' (1999) by Martin Andersson and Tuomas Sandholm following on from reading [46] yesterday. Some thoughts:

Nice discussion of distributed reallocative negotiation "versus" (centralized) (combinatorial) auctions at the end of page 1 continuing on page 2.

Multiagent Travelling Salesman Problem (page 2). Interesting.

The contracting system between agents ("contract sequencing") described on pages 4 and 5 is in essence an exhaustive search. Naturally, slow and cumbersome. Multi-agent dialogues and interest-based negotiation could perhaps play a role here. Also, no "algorithm" (contracting system) provided for OCSM-contracts, or even, contracts of mixed/different types.

I like the presentation of the results, i.e. comparing the different contract types in terms of (i) the outcomes (solution quality in terms of social welfare) reached, and (ii) the number of contracts tried and performed before an (local) optimum is reached.

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