Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Update and Abstract Plan

I haven't posted for a month so I thought I would do a quick update. I spent the previous two weeks setting up and playing with Jade and CaSAPI, and will be spending this week reading up on and playing with Jason.

As for an abstract plan of what I want to achieve, here it goes:

The plan is to present a framework that allows for agents to negotiate, primarily in resource re-allocation settings, making use of ideas from argumentation. This will involve (i) defining the agent mind, i.e. the internal reasoning of the agents; (ii) defining dialogue protocols that allow for argumentative negotiation between agents; (iii) defining strategies/policies that allow agents to generate moves and participate in accordance to the dialogue protocols; (iv) detailing the properties and results of the framework, and testing the hypothesis "argumentation allows for better deals to be reached, more efficiently, than negotiation that does not make use of argumentation".

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