Sunday, 21 January 2018

Types of programming languages

Interpreted vs Compiled

  • In an interpreted language each step of the source code is executed as is.
  • A compiled language uses a compiler to convert the human-readable source code into a binary form as an initial task.

Dynamic vs Static

  • In a dynamic language a variable can contain different types at different times.
  • In a static language the type information is all about the variable itself, not the value in the variable.

Imperative vs Functional

  • An imperative language models the running state of a program as mutable data and issues a list of instructions that transform that running state.
  • A functional language operates on values but, instead of altering the inputs, functions act like mathematical functions and return new values.
(Source: The Well-Grounded Java Developer, by Benjamin J. Evans and Martijn Verburg)