Monday, 14 March 2011

WeightTracker Localisation Checklist

Checklist of things to do when creating language assets for a new locale upon receiving string and image files:

(1) Android strings: Need to copy in...
(a) '..._helpText_...'
(b) '..._facebookpost_...'
... strings from the gwt strings file, and need to put in...
(c) 'mobile_2_newentry_1_b_2_UK_ONLY_RadioButton' (if missing)
(d) 'url_...'
(e) 'fbpost_...'
(f) 'marketHelpline' (null value if 'mobile_6_options_1_a_5_disclaimer' doesn't have a 'marketHelpline' string placeholder)
(g) 'stones'
(h) 'pounds'
(i) 'kilograms'
... key-value pairs, and need to manually tinker with...
(j) 'mobile_5_goal_2_update_1_a_3_Paragraph' (change placeholder to "{n}")
(k) 'web_6_help_1_a_2_helpText_1' (put in [] placeholder)
strings. See the equivalent English strings for examples.

(2) Android images: Create folders (hdpi, ldpi, mdpi) in language assets for the locale specific images for the language in question.

(3) GWT strings: Need to put in and fix up
(a) 'url_...'
(b) 'region_...'
(c) 'fbpost_...'
(d) 'mobile_2_newentry_1_a_8_feeling'
strings, and remember to combine
(e) 'web_dashboardscreen_e_1_Paragraph_0'
(f) 'web_dashboardscreen_e_1_Paragraph_1'
and remove extra sentence (if extra sentence there) from
(g) 'web_homescreen_c_2_Paragraph_0'
string, and remember to add [] text placeholders in
(h) 'web_dashboardscreen_c_1_Paragraph_0'
(i) 'web_6_help_1_a_2_helpText_1'
(j) 'web_3_editgoal_1_a_8_Paragraph' (change placeholder to "{n}")
(k) 'web_3_editgoal_1_b_7_Paragraph' (change placeholder to "{n}")
(l) 'web_homescreen_b_2_Paragraph'
strings. See the equivalent English strings for examples.

(4) GWT Windows: Create folder in language assets to contain
(a) Locale-specific 'docked_bg.png' image.
(b) 'war/WeightTracker_WINDOWS_flyout.html' and 'war/WeightTracker_WINDOWS.html' files. Remember to change 'alli_locale' meta-variable as appropriate.
(c) 'war/gadget.xml' file. Remember to change 'name', 'info url' and 'description' properties as appropriate.

(5) GWT Mac: Create folder in language assets to contain
(a) 'war/WeightTracker_MAC.html' file. Remember to change 'alli_locale' meta-variable as appropriate.
(b) 'war/Info.plist' file. Remember to change 'CFBundleDisplayName' key value as appropriate.

(6) Server facebook resources: Add 'btnFBLogin_xx.png' and 'fbcrossdomain_xx.aspx' for the region (xx) being added, as well as any other images and files required.

When deploying the Android, Mac and/or Windows app/gadget for a particular locale, copy in the required "language assets" to the 'war' folder for the GWT Mac and Windows gadgets and to the 'res' folder for the Android app. Additionally, for the Android app:
(1) Change 'ALLI_LOCALE' variable in 'AlliCore/'.
(2) Change 'CURRENT_REGION' variable in 'AlliCore/'.

Notes for future:
(i) Create string with value "Saving. Please wait..." (and remember to include in translations).
(ii) Create string with value "Account Error" (and remember to include in translations).

Friday, 4 March 2011

WeightTracker app different Web.config files

Web.config - local test
Web.config2 - our online one for our servers/api/db
Web.config3 - our servers; their api
Web.config4 - their servers; their api